Merck / BioPhi

BioPhi is an open-source antibody design platform. It features methods for automated antibody humanization (Sapiens), humanness evaluation (OASis) and an interface for computer-assisted antibody sequence design.

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Error: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'int'

efrainceh opened this issue · comments

I got this message while trying to Export a Full Table after humanization.


Hi, I was using biophi from command line and also got this error. I fixed it by going to line 83 of biophi/humanization/methods/

curve = curve.astype(np.int64)

Ok, thanks!

No problem. I think it has to do with the version of numpy since I didn't have any issues when I set up the conda environment for biophi in the readme.

I created a pull request to fix.

Hi @tony-res & @prihoda,

I am building this package using conda and am still getting this same error.

I took a look at line 83 under the most up to date version tag (1.0.9) and it seems to still have the old implementation. It looks like the latest version tag is not up to date with the main branch. Any chance you'd be able to release a new version from the current main branch and subsequently publish to bioconda?

Many thanks!