MemeLabs / browser-extension

A browser extension for

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Updated: Fix embed icon to be more centered, and the click feature to be on the image Set interval for background updates to be in the main background script to hopefully resolve inactive bug where badge doesn't update Default font to Oxygen, then Roboto, then others Contrast between headers and listings (background color update) Contrast between streamer and title (font color update) Center listings within their own row Slight firefox scrollbar adjustment

New: Separate out bot streams in the view to call them out, highlighting community members first Add divider between listings


Updated: Update viewer numbers to be rustlers on site Fix clipboard tooltip to appropriately hide until pressed again Fix stream order to sort by viewers watching Badge background is now orange theme Shrink window of extension to about 2 streams worth of height

New: Add favorite button Favorite button changes badge behavior to show you online favorite streams Add scrollbar css to pretty it up Adds button which determines if on another streaming site and will add a quick link to embed into


Fix bug with url generation of strim links Use local storage to update / keep a cache of stream list Adjust updates to two minutes


Initial Release


A browser extension for


Language:JavaScript 67.0%Language:HTML 18.6%Language:CSS 14.5%