MelihAltintas / vue3-openlayers

Web map Vue 3.x components with the power of OpenLayers

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How to change selected feature

mrAbra opened this issue · comments

thats my map

<ol-map style="height: 400px">
      <ol-view ref="view" :center="center" :rotation="rotation" :zoom="zoom" :projection="projection"
        @change:center="centerChanged" @change:resolution="resolutionChanged" @change:rotation="rotationChanged" />
        <ol-source-osm />
      <ol-interaction-select @select="featureSelected" :pointRadius="20">
      <ol-animated-clusterlayer :animationDuration="500" :distance="40" ref="customInteraction">
        <ol-source-vector :features="geoJsonFeatures" :format="geoJson">
      </ol-animated-clusterlayer >

thats my table for showing features.

<el-table :data="geoJsonFeatures" highlight-current-row 
@current-change="handleCurrentChange" style="width: 100%" :row-class-name="setDeviceStatusInTable">
<el-table-column type="expand">
async function handleCurrentChange(val) {
  if (val == null) {
  selectedFeature.value = val;

I dont understand how to change selected feature from handleCurrentChange.
I will be glad to any advice

selectedFeature.value im using this for another element but wiil be realy cool if i can do smth like this mapreference.interactionSelect.removeSelectedFeature():
mapreference.interactionSelect.addSelectedFeature(selectedFeature.value );

Please take the time and provide a formatted code example which makes it easy to follow and investigate.

  <ol-interaction-select @select="featureSelected" :pointRadius="20" ref="customInteraction">
    <!-- style of the marked selected from the cluster items after first click on the cluster itself -->
      <ol-style-circle :radius="20">
        <ol-style-fill color="#ff0000"></ol-style-fill>
  <ol-animated-clusterlayer :animationDuration="500" :distance="40" ref="clusterLayer">
    <ol-source-vector :features="geoJsonFeatures" :format="geoJson" ref="vectorLayer">
      <el-table  ref="tableRef" :data="geoJsonFeatures" highlight-current-row @current-change="handleCurrentChange" style="width: 100%"
    const providerFeatureCollection = {
      type: "FeatureCollection",
      features: newFeatures,

    geoJsonFeatures.value = geoJson.readFeatures(providerFeatureCollection);

async function handleCurrentChange(val) {
  if (val == null) {
  selectedFeature.value = val;
  const selectedStyle = new Style({
    image: new Icon({
      src: workerIcon,
      anchor: [0.5, 1],
      width: 30,
      height: 30
  }); => {
    return f.getProperties().features[0].values_.devaddr === val.values_.devaddr;
  })); (feature) {

working for me, May be someone can find better solution with easier properties access. For me was not obvious that geoJsonFeatures not equal select event collection elements