MeghaKapoor / Frontend-development-topics

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Frontend-development-topics - Javascript | Angular | React

Table of Contents

  1. Javascript
  2. Angular
  3. React

1. Javascript

✔️ Closure
✔️ Filter,Reduce,Map functions
✔️ Bind, Live and Apply functions
✔️ "this" keyword
✔️ Promises
✔️ Prototypes and Polymorphism
✔️ Object.Create
✔️ variable and function Hoisting
✔️ Spread Operator
✔️ Arrow Functions
✔️ Let and Var keyword ✔️ Higher Order Functions
✔️ Pure functions
✔️ Event Loop

2. Angular

✔️ Component selector
✔️ ViewEncapsulation
✔️ Lifecycle Hooks
✔️ Change Detection
✔️ Component Interaction
✔️ Content Projection
✔️ View and Content Children
✔️ Data Binding
✔️ DOM manipulation using @ViewChild
✔️ Component Interaction

✔️ Auxiliary Route
✔️ Route Guards
✔️ Nested Routing
✔️ Route Interceptor

✔️ Structure and Attribute
✔️ Build-In directives
✔️ HostListener and HostBinding
✔️ Input and Configuration

✔️ Class (NgModule,Component, Directive)
✔️ Property Decorators (input,output)
✔️ Method (HostListener, HostBinding)
✔️ Parameter (Inject)

✔️ Reactive Form
✔️ Template Driven Form

3. React

✔️ Lifecycle methods
