Mecanik / cloudflare-image-resizing

CloudFlare Image Resizing plugin for WordPress.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Plugin wont activate/install

hairybridget opened this issue · comments

Strange issue. I've successfully installed your plugin on other WP sites in the past, but downloading your zip and uploading it via WP dashboard > Plugins results in an error:

Installing plugin from uploaded file:
Unpacking the package…

Installing the plugin…

The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.

Plugin installation failed.

Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

Hi, go to Plugins>Add New> Then search "CF Image Resizing"
And then active the plugin. After activation if you don't find the URL setting page. then add this your URL and /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cf-image-resizing-settings And in the URL field add . only and click save. Don't use your URL because it will not work.

Something might have changed in the latest WordPress version, I will check when I have time and update it.

Hello, I am closing this issue since I have finally finished the Cloudflare Worker alternative. It's much more advanced and does not have this issue.

Please read my article on how to use and get the code: