MeMory-of-MOtion / docker-loco3d

Discussions relative to the docker for the generation of motion data using Loco3D pipeline.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simplify circle scenario/add simpler scenario

pFernbach opened this issue · comments

"I forgot to mention one thing about the dataset: during the Paris meeting Nicolas told us that the motion in this circle dataset is going to be used as a kind of building blocks for larger motions. With that in mind, the motion that we have in TALOS circle is too long to be considered as a good building block (since a motion in the dataset consists of more than 6 footsteps).
There are two things that we might need to change:

  1. Reduce the circle's radius, such that each motion will consists of only 2-4 footsteps.

  2. Instead of setting the problem as : go from xy_1 to xy_2 ( as in the current dataset), we should set the problem as: go from foot-configuration 1 to foot-configuration 2. This will allow the motion to be a better building blocks that can be used for more complex locomotion (go around the stairs, for example).
    When we look at the problem of climbing the stairs, the initial and goal foot configuration also can be at different z location (according to the stair's height). And if we aim to use the hand for contact, then the problem in the dataset should be set as: go from contact-configuration 1 to contact-configuration 2 (each configuration consists of the feet and hands contact info, and to move between the two can involve more than one contact change). "

Originally posted by @teguhSL in #1 (comment)