MdeBoer95 / syntactic_change

Analyze the change in syntax of a language over time.

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Syntactic Language Change

Analyze the change in syntax of a language over time.


Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to you create word pairs, install DEMorphy.

Data & Preprocessing

  • For analysing syntactical change only the dta corpus has been used so far. Data and embeddings can be found in /ukp-storage-1/deboer/Language-change/german/embedding_change in folders 1600-1700 and 1800-1900. Latest versions of the data are suffixed with v3 and v3_cased. The cleaning involves gensims simple_preprocess function and some additional normalizations of special characters. See /utils/word2vec. The file also contains code to train fasttext and word2vec embeddings.
  • Parlamentsdebatten does not contain enough tokens to train meaningful word embeddings if split into two corpora/epochs
  • The COHA data has been preprocessed but not analyzed yet. Preprocessed Data can be found in /ukp-storage-1/deboer/Language-change/german/embedding_change/COHA_gensim_preprocessed

Preprocessing the data also means that the format of the corpus will be rewritten into a format with one sentence per line before cleaning can be applied. The relevant files for this are in the folder corpus_format.

Parser Based Approach

This approach uses a linguistic parser (in our case trankit) to determine syntactic change between two corpora. First the corpus is parsed and morphological features are extracted for each word (per default for Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs see parameter --word_classes in the scripts). Then the results of the parser are analyzed according to different criteria with the purpose of finding syntactic change between two corpora.

Parsing the Corpus

In order to determine morphological features of words in the corpus, a morphological parser (trankit) is used. The resulting combinations of morphological features are then grouped and counted per word + pos-tag (e.g. Schwimmen_NN, schwimmen_V).

As an example output you can see the content of parsed_corpus/morph_features_1617.json and parsed_corpus/morph_features_1819.json (Which are the results for the dta corpus divided into texts from 1600-1799 and 1800-1920).

For this part the script is used.
For example:

python --corpus_path /path/to/my/preprocessed/corpus --outpath myparsed_corpus.json

The script expects the corpus to be in a format with one sentence per line.
There are several optional parameters. You can execute the script with the --help flag to get more information.

Analyzing the Parsed Results

For this part the script is used.
For example:

python --parsed_corpus1 /path/to/my/parsed/corpus_1.json --parsed_corpus2 /path/to/my/parsed/corpus_2.json --outdir syn_changed_words.json

The script expects the output of the previous step as parsed corpus

There are several optional parameters. You can execute the script with the --help flag to get more information.

Here the results of the parser are analyzed for syntactic change between the two corpora. The script considers words as interesting (meaning that their syntactical features might have changed) if one of the two following cases happen:

1. Distribution of Word Classes changed

This means that the relative frequencies of the considered word classes has changed --min_sim according to a given distance measure.
For an example output check word_features_results/results_cosinesim.json.
For example for the word fliehen:

Corpus word class distribution
dta 1600-1799 {"NOUN": 14, "ADJ": 3, "VERB": 710, "AUX": 0}
dta 1800-1920 {"NOUN": 1, "ADJ": 4, "VERB": 213, "AUX": 0}

2. Combinations of features for a word occur significantly more often in corpus A than in corpus B

If a certain combination of features for a word e.g. Case=Dat|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing occurs significantly more/less often in corpus A than in corpus B. (See parameter --min_occurrences_diff)
For an example output check word_features_results/feature_diff.json.
The total occurrences are not taken into account right now i.e. the counts are not normalized. It probably makes sense to normalize the counts by the total occurrences of a word in the respective corpus

Word Embedding Based Approach

In order to determine syntactic change with an embedding space we first have to create a syntactic embedding space. For this we use attract-repel. Attract-repel in its original form uses pairs of antonyms and synonyms to improve semantic embedding spaces by pushing antonyms further apart and pulling synonyms closer together. Since we want to create a syntactic embedding space, we want to use semantically similar words as antonyms and syntactically similar words as synonyms.

The directory external/ contains a slightly modified version of the original attract repel code, that allows to use cased embeddings and write the resulting embeddings in word2vec format.

For generating pairs of semantically/syntactically similar words, the scripts can be used.

Once the syntactic embedding spaces have been created, the next step is to map the embeddings from two different epochs into one common embedding space. In order to do this we use vecmap in semi-supervised mode. The same mapping can be done for a pair of semantic embedding spaces. The dictionary required for vecmap can be created with the function create_dict in utils/word2vec

In order to analyze the embedding spaces the script is used. The global parameters are defined at the start of the main method and can be changed as required. (Paths to embeddings, min count, etc.) The parameter RESULTS_SPACE determines whether the outputs will be in semantic or in syntatic space.

The script outputs 3 files:

(examples can be found in the folder analyze_embeddings_outputs_expl)

  1. The n syntactically most changed words between two epochs. The output file excludes words that are shorter than MIN_LENGTH. n defaults to 50. (file: biggest_change.txt)
    The output shows the word and its nearest neighbours in the RESULT_SPACE in both epochs (1600 = 1600-1700, 1800=1800-1900). For example the list after Word:waitz (1600) (see example output) shows the NNs of the word's representation/vector in epoch 1600, and the list after Word:waitz (1800) shows the NNs of the word's representation/vector in epoch 1800.

  2. Words that have changed semantically less than a certain threshold and syntactically more than a certain threshold. The threshold can be set in the code (see function syntactic_semantic_change). (file: syn_sem_change.txt)
    The output has the same format as in 1.

  3. Two arbitrary words that fulfill the following criteria: (file: abr_syn_sem.txt)

    • semantic similarity > sem_threshold
    • |syntactic similariy| < syn_threshold
    • word a is from epoch 1 and word b is from epoch 2

    This function (find_abitrary_words_with_similarity) can take very long to run. So it might make sense to break the for loop after a certain number of words has been found. (Currently ~ 20)
    The output file shows the word pairs as word a and word b together with the nearest neighbours in the RESULTS_SPACE.

Test for Syntactic Word Embeddings

A test for syntactic word embeddings can be run with the file analogy_test.txt.

For example:

python /storage/nllg/compute-share/deboer/melvin/language_change/Language-change/german/embedding_change/1600-1700/word2vec/1617_emb_cleaned_mapped.txt 

The test also produces an output file named analogy_test.txt to show which tests have failed. Delete or rename the file if you run the test multiple times, otherwise the test will append more output to the same file.


Analyze the change in syntax of a language over time.


Language:Python 100.0%