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updateIMU problem with parameters in AQUA

JessicaBertolasi opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm trying to calculate quaternions with AQUA filter - using only acc and gyro.
I actually implemented this

for index in range(len(timestamp)):
    q[index] = AQUA.estimate(AQUA, accelerometer[index])
    q1[index] = AQUA.updateIMU(AQUA, q[index], gyroscope[index], accelerometer[index])

where timestamp define the legth of the document where to get the datas.

It return me an error on q1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 60, in <module>
    q1[index] = AQUA.updateIMU(AQUA, q[index], gyroscope[index], accelerometer[index])
  File "/home/jessicab/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ahrs/filters/", line 941, in updateIMU
    qDot = 0.5*self.Omega(gyr) @ q                      # Quaternion derivative (eq. 39)
TypeError: Omega() missing 1 required positional argument: 'x'

how can I fix it? I still tried to edit qDot = 0.5*self.Omega(gyr) @ q in qDot = 0.5*self.Omega(AQUA,gyr) @ q directly from source library but after that it returns me an error on the successive line qInt = q + qDot*self.Dt that says that AttributeError: type object 'AQUA' has no attribute 'Dt'

how can I fix it and find quaternions? thank you so much!