MaximeNdutiye / SE18

Shop API with NodeJS, Express, & Mongo

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Shops API built with NodeJs, Express, and Mongo

Build Status

GCP Deployment Endpoint

I have a live version of the api deployed over at

Example API Calls

Here is some documention created with Postman.

Local Testing and Development

The application can also be run locally using docker. Assuming dotenv is installed and has variables set

docker build -t maxime-shopify-image .

docker run --name maxime-shopify-api -p 3000:3000 maxime-shopify-image

Continuous Integration

I have set up a very simple pipeline to test the public endpoint of the load balanced GCP deployment. So far it only checks to see that /shops returns a 200

Implemented API methods

Here are the methods that are implemented for the API

/shops get all shops create a shop add & update properties -
/shops/:id Get details for a shop - Update shop 1 details Delete a shop
/shops/:id/products get products for a shop - add a product to a shop -
/products/:id get a product - add a lineitem delete a product
/products/:id/lineitems get product lineitems - - -
/orders/:id get a product - add a lineitem delete a product
/order/:id/lineitems get orderlineitems - - -
/lineitems/:id line item details - update properties delete item

Instruction for Deploying to GCP

Set default project id

gcloud config set project {PROJECT_ID}

Create a cluster

gcloud container clusters create shopify-app-cluster --zone northamerica-northeast1-a --machine-type f1-micro

Build image from docker file

docker build -t{PROJECT_ID}/shopify-image:v1 .

Push the image to GCR

gcloud docker -- push{PROJECT_ID}/shopify-image:v1

Deploy app

kubectl create -f deployment.yml --save-config

Expose the app to the internet

kubectl expose deployment shopify-deployment --type="LoadBalance"

Get the external ip of the deployment

kubectl get services

Clean up deployment

$ kubectl delete service/kubernetes
$ kubectl delete deployment/shopify-deployment
$ gcloud container clusters delete shopify-app-cluster --zone northamerica-northeast1-a

Access the mongo db from the command line

mongo "mongodb+srv://<cluster-name><dbname>" --username <user>

Built with 💜 by Maxime


Shop API with NodeJS, Express, & Mongo


Language:JavaScript 99.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%