MaxiHuHe04 / iTunes-Backup-Explorer

A graphical tool that can extract and replace files from encrypted and non-encrypted iOS backups

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Notes in backup

McAshesha opened this issue · comments

What path and domain can I find notes and note attachments?

You should be able to find the notes and attachments in the domain The notes are stored in the database NoteStore.sqlite. If you just need the attachments, you can export the "Media" directory and/or "Accounts/<...>/Media" directory in there. If you want to export the notes in a format you can view, there is a project I just found which you can modify a bit to convert the notes to HTML for example:

@McAshesha I will close this issue now. If you still have questions, feel free to re-open it.