MattiasGees / aws-ecs-fargate

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Complete ECS

This example is based upon the example that can be found in

This example uses only verified Terraform modules to create all resources that are needed for an ECS cluster that is sufficient for staging or production environment.

While this example is still in the early stage there are other repositories that show how to create an ECS cluster:


Things still needed in the example:

  • AWS network infrastructure on what is created
  • Full explanation on why certain resources are created
  • Create EC2 instance specific SecurityGroup instead of using the default one from VPC module
  • Push logs of default EC2 stuff (docker, ecs agent, etc...) to CloudWatch logs
  • Add an example with ALB
  • Add an example with NLB
  • Add an example with ELB
  • Create a Fargate example


To run this example you need to execute:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Note that this example may create resources which can cost money (AWS EC2 instances, for example). Run terraform destroy when you don't need these resources.


Current version creates an high-available VPC with instances that are attached to ECS. ECS tasks can be run on these instances but they are not exposed to anything.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12.6
aws >= 2.48
template >= 2.0


Name Version
aws >= 2.48
template >= 2.0


No input.


No output.



Language:HCL 98.6%Language:Shell 1.4%