Matthimatiker / StackStaticFiles

StackPHP middleware that serves static files from a configured asset directory.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status Coverage Status

Simple StackPHP middleware that serves files from a given directory. If the requested file does not exist, then the request is delegated to the next kernel.


This middleware has been created to be able to use php-pm/php-pm with php-pm/php-pm-httpkernel as a standalone server. It avoided the need of nginx for serving static files.


This library is installed via Composer. Add the following dependency to your composer.json:

"require" :  {
    // ...
    "matthimatiker/stack-static-files": "^0.0.1"



You can use stack/builder to compose your middleware stack:

$stack = (new Builder())->push(StaticFiles::class, __DIR__ . '/public-files');
$app = $stack->resolve($kernel);

Alternatively, you can combine kernel and middleware manually:

$app = new StaticFiles($kernel,  __DIR__ . '/public-files');

Known Issues

Do not register a directory, which contains files that should not be served! This middleware has no security baked in and will serve any existing file, for example PHP scripts, VCS files etc.


StackPHP middleware that serves static files from a configured asset directory.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%