Matrix6677 / ABCPHP

Build an international website for u.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ABCPHP is an open source PHP framwork based on php-mvc, the main purpose is to build an international website.


  1. First, git clone this project into your website folder.

     git clone
  2. Edit profile of php php.ini, enable gettext.

  3. Change the .htaccess file from

     RewriteBase /ABCPHP/

    to where you put this project, relative to the web root folder (usually /var/www). So when you put this project into the web root, like directly in /var/www, then the line should look like or can be commented out:

     RewriteBase /

    If you have put the project into a sub-folder, then put the name of the sub-folder here:

     RewriteBase /sub-folder/
  4. Open the ABCPHP/Conf/constant.php, add or edit constant what you want in this file, all constants wiil be loaded when you booting your web app.

     ini_set("display_errors", 1);
     define('ROOT_URL', ''); // 网站根目录URL地址
     define('APP_PATH', './Application/');// 应用根目录地址
  5. Open the ABCPHP/Conf/config.php, change these lines.

     'DB_TYPE' => 'mysql', // 数据库类型
     'DB_HOST' => '', // 服务器地址
     'DB_NAME' => 'php-mvc', // 数据库名
     'DB_USER' => 'root', // 用户名
     'DB_PWD' => 'root', // 密码
     'DB_PORT' => '3306' // 端口

    to your database credentials. If you don't have an empty database, create one. Only change the type mysql if you know what you are doing.

##A quickstart tutorial You can enter the following URL in your browser after completing the above steps.

The URL access rules:


##Structure ###1.Project WWW 网站根目录 ├─ABCPHP ABCPHP框架目录 ├─Application 应用目录 ├─Public 公共资源目录 ├─index.php 入口文件 ├─.htaccess 分布式配置文件

###2.Framework ABCPHP ABCPHP框架目录 ├─Common 公共函数目录 │ └─function.php ├─Conf 配置文件目录 │ └─config.php ├─Library 系统类库 │ ├─ABC ABC核心类库 │ │ ├─Controller.class.php 控制器类 │ │ ├─Model.class.php 模型类 │ │ └─... 其他核心类 │ ├─Org 工具类库 │ └─... 其他更多类库 └─ABC.php 框架入口类

###3.Application Application 默认应用目录(可以设置) ├─en 英语模块 ├─ja 日语模块 ├─de 德语模块 ├─... 其他更多模块


├─Module							模块目录       
│  ├─Common							公共函数目录
│  │ └─function.php
│  ├─Conf							配置文件目录
│  │ └─config.php 
│  ├─Controller  					控制器目录
│  │ ├─IndexController.class.php
│  │ ├─HomeController.class.php
│  │ └─...							更多控制器类
│  ├─Model							模型目录
│  │ ├─SongsModel.class.php
│  │ ├─UsersModel.class.php
│  │ └─...							更多数据库模型类
│  ├─View							视图目录
│  │ ├─Index_index.html
│  │ ├─Index_songs.html
│  │ ├─Home_index.html
│  │ └─...							更多视图

###4.Public Public 默认应用目录 ├─css 样式资源目录 ├─fonts 字体资源目录 ├─img 图片资源目录 ├─js 脚本资源目录 ├─locale 语言资源目录 │ ├─en │ │ └─LC_MESSAGES │ │ ├─ │ │ └─abc.po │ ├─de │ └─ja ├─tpl 公共模板资源目录


Build an international website for u.


Language:CSS 76.2%Language:JavaScript 15.5%Language:PHP 8.3%