Mate2xo / Creeons_la_coop

Plateforme de communication interne pour un Supermarché Coopératif

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unscheduled tasks

Mate2xo opened this issue · comments


On Hold

Requirements have changed: further information is needed before implementing this feature.

Must have

  • unscheduled missions appear on missions/index.html
  • rename Mission to Task (more explicit)


Feature: Unscheduled tasks
  If a Task without `start_date` nor `end_date` is created
  This task should appear on `tasks/index`
  Because the co-op need someone to do this task

    Given a few unscheduled Tasks

  Scenario: A Member wants to know if there is any unscheduled task to do
    Given I'm a logged in Member
    When I go to the tasks index
    Then I should see a list of those Tasks

  Scenario: A Member finishes an unscheduled task
    Given I'm a logged in Member
    And I'm enrolled in an unscheduled Task
    When I go to that Task's details
    And I click a `Done` button
    Then I get a confirmation popup
    And the Task disapears from the index page

  Scenario: An Admin wants to see if any unscheduled task has been done
    Given I'm a logged in Admin
    And an unscheduled task marked as `done` by an enrolled Member
    When I go to the dashboard in the admin interface
    Then that Tasks appear on the dashboard

  Scenario: An Admin wants to validate an unscheduled task that has been marked as `done`
    Given I'm a logged in Admin
    And an unscheduled Task marked as `done` by an enrolled Member
    When I go to that Task's details page in the admin interface
    And I click on `validate`
    Then an `end_date` is set to the current day on that Task