MatMoul / g810-led

Linux led controller for Logitech G213, G410, G413, G512, G513, G610, G810, g815, G910 and GPRO Keyboards

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G413 Silver - Stop Breathing

thereallinusrg opened this issue · comments

So I tried to stop the breathing effect of my G413 Silver with the G413 Carbon command on Arch.
Sadly, that didn't work.
Is there a way to add support for the G413 Silver / port the Carbon device profile?
What information would I need to create a G413 Silver device profile?
The constant breathing is slowly driving me nuts.

I created a Wireshark dump for the G413 Silver:

G413 seem supported, is this issue always relevent?

Yes, it seems that only the the G413 Carbon is supported, not the G413 Silver.

Sorry, G413 Carbon is supported but not Silver...
Your keyboard seem to be old...

Well, as old as the G413 Carbon. But yeah, oldish

Having the same issue with the G413 Silver. I tried to modify the profile, and when I set the color to blue and restarted, the breathing stopped. The problem now is that I can't get the LEDs to light back up. I'm on Kubuntu 20.04. Also, I switched to Linux about 2 weeks ago from only using Windows, so I have next to no idea how to test the keyboard. Loving Linux otherwise though!

EDIT: Fixed the problem by reading more on the issues tab (#215). I can't thank you enough for your work! My keyboard is perfect again!

Seem @mrmusichead has replied :)