Mastermindzh / tidal-hifi

The web version of Tidal running in electron with hifi support thanks to widevine.

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[FR] Change Application Name to make tidal unique in pipewire

Zombiefleischer opened this issue · comments

Can you change the application name, so pipewire can differentiate this Chromium application from the others, so that I can assign Tidal to another Audio interface? I'm using the goxlr and I want tidal to be separate on my music channel. Atm when I change this application's output to 'GoXLR Music' every Chromium application after that also change to 'GoXLR Music' and vice versa. As far as I know, Spotify is also just an Electron app, and it differentiates to other applications.

The output of pw-cli:

❯ pw-cli info 176
        id: 176
        permissions: rwxm-
        type: PipeWire:Interface:Client/3
*       properties:
*               pipewire.protocol = "protocol-native"
*               pipewire.sec.socket = "pipewire-0"
*      = "5825"
*               pipewire.sec.uid = "1000"
*               pipewire.sec.gid = "100"
*               pipewire.sec.label = "kernel"
*      = "2"
*      = "176"
*               object.serial = "530"
*               client.api = "pipewire-pulse"
*               pulse.server.type = "unix"
*      = "Chromium input"
*      = "39540"
*               application.process.user = "<redacted>"
*      = "<redacted>"
*               application.process.binary = "tidal-hifi"
*               application.language = "en_US.UTF-8"
*               window.x11.display = ":0"
*               application.process.machine-id = "<redacted>"
*               application.process.session-id = "9"
*      = "pipewire-pulse.conf"
*               cpu.max-align = "32"
*               default.clock.rate = "48000"
*               default.clock.quantum = "1024"
*               default.clock.min-quantum = "32"
*               default.clock.max-quantum = "2048"
*               default.clock.quantum-limit = "8192"
*      = "640"
*      = "480"
*      = "25"
*      = "1"
*               log.level = "2"
*               clock.power-of-two-quantum = "true"
*               link.max-buffers = "64"
*               mem.warn-mlock = "false"
*               mem.allow-mlock = "true"
*               settings.check-quantum = "false"
*               settings.check-rate = "false"
*               core.version = "1.0.3"
*      = "pipewire-<redacted>-5825"
*               pipewire.access = "unrestricted"

We've tried several things to remove the chrome instance but none of them seem to work all too well. You can also disable the chromium instance explicitly:


You can then enable the mpris settings in the settings menu and that'll give you a media instance called "tidal-hifi" which you can modify separately.

I tried, and it still shows up as Chromium input or Chormium [Playback] in qpwgraph. Do you know any way to refer to application.process.binary = "tidal-hifi" in pw scripts and change the output through that?

@Zombiefleischer, I have no idea about anything pipewire, to be honest, I just installed it last week but am not doing anything advanced with routing.

When I start playing, using playerctl I have a dedicated entry for tidal-hifi, instead of chromium:

What does your playerctl show?

My playerctl list this:

❯ playerctl -l

But as far as I can see, I cannot change the output device.

Weird, so the changes for playerctl seems to work.
Well yeah, no clue how to help further, sorry!

Still thank you for your time :)

@Zombiefleischer, no worries! I try my best!