Masterminds / semver

Work with Semantic Versions in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ruby pre release support

chelnak opened this issue · comments


When a Ruby gem version is a pre-release it generally uses a . as the separator between major, minor, patch and the pre release info.

For example:


For more info on the expected patterns you can see

From what I can see, NewVersion does not accept this as valid.

Given that the function stars it will take a semver-ish string and coerce it in to a valid SemVer I would have expect the above example to work.

Would you be interested in supporting this in your library?

I’d be happy to work on a PR. I’ve not properly looked but it could be as simple as updating the versionRegex.

The following matches either . Or - in group 4.



This regex works


Thank you for taking the time to maintain such a useful library!