Masterminds / semver

Work with Semantic Versions in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Proposal: add Coerce method to Version type which takes a string into SemVer if possible

andriisoldatenko opened this issue · comments

something like:

// Coerce a string into SemVer if possible
func Coerce(version string) *semver.Version {
	v, err := semver.NewVersion(version)
	if err != nil {
	coerceVer, err := semver.NewVersion(fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", v.Major(), v.Minor(), v.Patch()))
	if err != nil {
	return coerceVer

func Test_coerce(t *testing.T) {
	assert.Equal(t, "1.10.5", coerce("1.10.5-11-alpine3.10-onbuild").String())
	assert.Equal(t, "1.10.5", coerce("1.10.5").String())
	assert.Equal(t, "1.10.12", coerce("1.10.12-buster").String())

inspired by node.js version

Let me know if i can fire PR.

What's the use case for Coerce? semver already has a NewVersion and StrictNewVersion. The first performs a minimal coerce and the second does not. For an example, see

If you look at examples the coerce JS function works on... you'll see that NewVersion will throw an error. Like This is where it gets interesting. In the Test_coerce function all 3 examples that go through coerce are valid SemVer. The two with pre-releases should not match the versions that don't have a pre-release.

What are you looking for a coerce function to do? Just perform the same duty the JS one does? I'm curious of the problem to be solved.

What's the use case for Coerce? semver already has a NewVersion and StrictNewVersion. The first performs a minimal coerce and the second does not. For an example, see

If you look at examples the coerce JS function works on... you'll see that NewVersion will throw an error. Like This is where it gets interesting. In the Test_coerce function all 3 examples that go through coerce are valid SemVer. The two with pre-releases should not match the versions that don't have a pre-release.

What are you looking for a coerce function to do? Just perform the same duty the JS one does? I'm curious of the problem to be solved.

@mattfarina thanks for quick reply!

Use case is pretty simple: you have list of strings versions ["1.10.5-11-alpine3.10-onbuild", "1.10.5", "1.10.12-buster"] and valid min SemVer: e.g. 1.10.12 and goal is to filter list by that version and return:


yeah looks like it was my fault:

package main

import (

func main() {
	versions := []string{"1.10.5-11-alpine3.10-onbuild", "1.10.5", "1.10.12-buster", "1.10.12"}
	_ = versions
	targetVer, _ := semver.NewVersion("1.10.12-alpine")
	for _, version := range versions {
		v, _ := semver.NewVersion(version)
		if i := v.Compare(targetVer); i >= 0 {


so it works as expected.