Mastercard / flow

Testing framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unignorable filter GUI

therealryan opened this issue · comments

Current the flow-filter gui will open in the middle the primary screen. That sounds perfectly reasonable, but for me at least that's pretty easy to miss: the primary screen is where the taskbar and email/chat lives, not where I'm focused most of the time. As a result the dialog can be sat waiting for input for longer that I'd like.

It'd be nice to offer an option for the dialog to be really, really, obnoxiously obvious so tests aren't waiting for input very long.
It could:

  • Open next to the mouse pointer
  • Automatically be dragged around with the pointer (obviously only if the pointer is moving away from the dialog)
  • Flashing taskbar entry
  • Always on top
  • Dancing babies and fireworks leaping out of it
  • etc