Marzogh / SPIMemory

Arduino library for Flash Memory Chips (SPI based only). Formerly SPIFlash

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Bug report - *SST26VF032 with MEGA*

ikrajinovic opened this issue · comments

Any bug report raised here MUST be submitted according to this template or it will be flagged with 'Not enough information'. No action will be taken till all the prerequisite information is provided. If no information is provided for over a month after the 'Not enough information' label is applied, the issue will be closed.

Pre-bug report checklist:

Do this checklist before filing an bug report:

  • Is this something you can debug and fix? Send a pull request! Bug fixes and documentation fixes are welcome.
  • Is this an idea for a feature? Post it as a Feature request. NOT a bug report.
  • [* ] Is this a bug that you cannot fix? Go ahead with filing a bug report below

Bug Report

Describe the bug

Include a clear and concise description of what the bug is.

I'm using SST26VF032 with MEGA and Level shifter TXS0108. The problem is I can only write "BYTE" and "CHAR". When I try upload TestFlash.ino the problem is same.

  • Make sure you have run FlashDiagnostics.ino with #define RUNDIAGNOSTICS uncommented in SPIFlash.h. Paste the relevant sections of the output from your Serial console when you run
```SPIMemory Library version: < 2.5.0

Man ID: 0xBF
Memory ID: 0x25
Capacity: 33554432
Max Pages: 131072
Unique ID: 04294967040, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00
							Testing library code
			Function		Test result			     Runtime
			Power Down		   FAIL			Not all chips support power down. Check your datasheet.
			Power Up		   PASS				      0 us

			Erase Chip		   PASS				      0 us
			Erase 72KB		   PASS				      0 us
			Erase 64KB		   PASS				      0 us
			Erase 32KB		   PASS				      0 us
			Erase 4KB		   PASS				      0 us
			Data type		I/O Result	      Write time	      Read time
			Byte			   PASS				      0 us
			Char			   PASS				      0 us
			Word			   FAIL				      0 us
			Short			   FAIL				      0 us
			ULong			   FAIL				      0 us
			Long			   FAIL				      0 us
			Float			   FAIL				      0 us
			Struct			   FAIL				      0 us
			Byte Array		   FAIL	0, 	   FAIL	1, 	   FAIL	2, 	   FAIL	3, 	   FAIL	4, 	   FAIL	5, 	   FAIL	6, 	   FAIL	7, 	   FAIL	8, 	   FAIL	9, 	   FAIL	10, 	   FAIL	11, 	   FAIL	12, 	   FAIL	13, 	   FAIL	14, 	   FAIL	15, 	   FAIL	16, 	   FAIL	17, 	   FAIL	18, 	   FAIL	19, 	   FAIL	20, 	   FAIL	21, 	   FAIL	22, 	   FAIL	23, 	   FAIL	24, 	   FAIL	25, 	   FAIL	26, 	   FAIL	27, 	   FAIL	28, 	   FAIL	29, 	   FAIL	30, 	   FAIL	31, 	   FAIL	32, 	   FAIL	33, 	   FAIL	34, 	   FAIL	35, 	   FAIL	36, 	   FAIL	37, 	   FAIL	38, 	   FAIL	39, 	   FAIL	40, 	   FAIL	41, 	   FAIL	42, 	   FAIL	43, 	   FAIL	44, 	   FAIL	45, 	   FAIL	46, 	   FAIL	47, 	   FAIL	48, 	   FAIL	49, 	   FAIL	50, 	   FAIL	51, 	   FAIL	52, 	   FAIL	53, 	   FAIL	54, 	   FAIL	55, 	   FAIL	56, 	   FAIL	57, 	   FAIL	58, 	   FAIL	59, 	   FAIL	60, 	   FAIL	61, 	   FAIL	62, 	   FAIL	63, 	   FAIL	64, 	   FAIL	65, 	   FAIL	66, 	   FAIL	67, 	   FAIL	68, 	   FAIL	69, 	   FAIL	70, 	   FAIL	71, 	   FAIL	72, 	   FAIL	73, 	   FAIL	74, 	   FAIL	75, 	   FAIL	76, 	   FAIL	77, 	   FAIL	78, 	   FAIL	79, 	   FAIL	80, 	   FAIL	81, 	   FAIL	82, 	   FAIL	83, 	   FAIL	84, 	   FAIL	85, 	   FAIL	86, 	   FAIL	87, 	   FAIL	88, 	   FAIL	89, 	   FAIL	90, 	   FAIL	91, 	   FAIL	92, 	   FAIL	93, 	   FAIL	94, 	   FAIL	95, 	   FAIL	96, 	   FAIL	97, 	   FAIL	98, 	   FAIL	99, 	   FAIL	100, 	   FAIL	101, 	   FAIL	102, 	   FAIL	103, 	   FAIL	104, 	   FAIL	105, 	   FAIL	106, 	   FAIL	107, 	   FAIL	108, 	   FAIL	109, 	   FAIL	110, 	   FAIL	111, 	   FAIL	112, 	   FAIL	113, 	   FAIL	114, 	   FAIL	115, 	   FAIL	116, 	   FAIL	117, 	   FAIL	118, 	   FAIL	119, 	   FAIL	120, 	   FAIL	121, 	   FAIL	122, 	   FAIL	123, 	   FAIL	124, 	   FAIL	125, 	   FAIL	126, 	   FAIL	127, 	   FAIL	128, 	   FAIL	129, 	   FAIL	130, 	   FAIL	131, 	   FAIL	132, 	   FAIL	133, 	   FAIL	134, 	   FAIL	135, 	   FAIL	136, 	   FAIL	137, 	   FAIL	138, 	   FAIL	139, 	   FAIL	140, 	   FAIL	141, 	   FAIL	142, 	   FAIL	143, 	   FAIL	144, 	   FAIL	145, 	   FAIL	146, 	   FAIL	147, 	   FAIL	148, 	   FAIL	149, 	   FAIL	150, 	   FAIL	151, 	   FAIL	152, 	   FAIL	153, 	   FAIL	154, 	   FAIL	155, 	   FAIL	156, 	   FAIL	157, 	   FAIL	158, 	   FAIL	159, 	   FAIL	160, 	   FAIL	161, 	   FAIL	162, 	   FAIL	163, 	   FAIL	164, 	   FAIL	165, 	   FAIL	166, 	   FAIL	167, 	   FAIL	168, 	   FAIL	169, 	   FAIL	170, 	   FAIL	171, 	   FAIL	172, 	   FAIL	173, 	   FAIL	174, 	   FAIL	175, 	   FAIL	176, 	   FAIL	177, 	   FAIL	178, 	   FAIL	179, 	   FAIL	180, 	   FAIL	181, 	   FAIL	182, 	   FAIL	183, 	   FAIL	184, 	   FAIL	185, 	   FAIL	186, 	   FAIL	187, 	   FAIL	188, 	   FAIL	189, 	   FAIL	190, 	   FAIL	191, 	   FAIL	192, 	   FAIL	193, 	   FAIL	194, 	   FAIL	195, 	   FAIL	196, 	   FAIL	197, 	   FAIL	198, 	   FAIL	199, 	   FAIL	200, 	   FAIL	201, 	   FAIL	202, 	   FAIL	203, 	   FAIL	204, 	   FAIL	205, 	   FAIL	206, 	   FAIL	207, 	   FAIL	208, 	   FAIL	209, 	   FAIL	210, 	   FAIL	211, 	   FAIL	212, 	   FAIL	213, 	   FAIL	214, 	   FAIL	215, 	   FAIL	216, 	   FAIL	217, 	   FAIL	218, 	   FAIL	219, 	   FAIL	220, 	   FAIL	221, 	   FAIL	222, 	   FAIL	223, 	   FAIL	224, 	   FAIL	225, 	   FAIL	226, 	   FAIL	227, 	   FAIL	228, 	   FAIL	229, 	   FAIL	230, 	   FAIL	231, 	   FAIL	232, 	   FAIL	233, 	   FAIL	234, 	   FAIL	235, 	   FAIL	236, 	   FAIL	237, 	   FAIL	238, 	   FAIL	239, 	   FAIL	240, 	   FAIL	241, 	   FAIL	242, 	   FAIL	243, 	   FAIL	244, 	   FAIL	245, 	   FAIL	246, 	   FAIL	247, 	   FAIL	248, 	   FAIL	249, 	   FAIL	250, 	   FAIL	251, 	   FAIL	252, 	   FAIL	253, 	   FAIL	254, 	   PASS				      0 us
- If you have a problem with a particular function, call the `flash.error()` function (after you have made sure you have started up your Serial port with a ``` Serial.begin(BAUD) ``` ). Provide details of the function, the data given to/ expected from the function and the error code here: (**Please repeat this for every function you have an error with**)
        - Function: (e.g. writeByte())
       -  Data: (e.g. 3.14 or Struct)
        - Error code: (e.g. 0x0A)

#### To Reproduce
Provide a **minimal code snippet** example that reproduces the bug (If you're using one of the examples that came with the library, just tell us which one instead of pasting the entire example's code). Please make sure you wrap any code in the proper code blocks like below

I'm using original Library code

#### Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

#### Screenshots
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

#### Wiring diagram
If applicable, add a wiring diagram to help explain your problem.

#### Software environment (please complete the following information):
 - Library version: [v 3.4.0]
 - Arduino IDE version: [1.8.11]
 - OS: [Win]
 - Micro controller platform: [MEGA]
 - Flash/Fram memory module: [SST26VF032-80-5I-S2AE]

#### Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.


###### DO NOT DELETE OR EDIT anything below this


<sub> <b> Note 1: _Make sure to add **all the information needed to understand the bug** so that someone can help. If any essential information is missing we'll add the 'Needs more information' label and close the issue until there is enough information._ </b></sub>

<sub> <b> Note 2: For support questions (for example, tutorials on how to use the library), please use the [Arduino Forums]( This repository's issues are reserved for feature requests and bug reports. </b></sub>


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When I change the line 583 In SPIFlash.cpp everything works well but I thing that there is a better solution.

for (uint16_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) {
      //_nextByte(WRITE, data_buffer[i]);
      writeByte(_addr+i, data_buffer[i]);