MartinMalinda / vue-concurrency

A library for encapsulating asynchronous operations and managing concurrency for Vue and Composition API.

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[Bug] regeneratorRuntime is not defined with useAsyncTask

dospunk opened this issue · comments

I want to use useAsyncTask like so:

const myAsyncTask = useAsyncTask(() => {
    return functionThatReturnsPromiseWithMyData('this is an argument')

but when I try to run this, I get Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined

I am using vue 3.1.4, vite 2.4.1, and vue-concurrency 2.1.2

I'm getting this bug as well, with usePipeTask.

vite 2.1.3, vue 3.2.0, vue-concurrency 2.1.2

same behavior with usePipeTask.


Caused by developit/microbundle#708. I tried to update microbundle but ran into different errors afterwards. I'll give it another try when I have more time.

Any updates on this @MartinMalinda?

I have this error too in a vue 3 project. I also tried pasting your example from the test as shown below and still have the same error:

const addTask = useTask(function* (signal, a: number, b: number) {
  return yield a + b;
const add10Task = useTask(function* (signal, a: number) {
  return yield a + 10;
const add20Task = useTask(function* (signal, a: number) {
  return yield a + 20;
const pipeTask = useSequentialTask(addTask, add10Task, add20Task);

When i remove the last line, I get no errors. This makes the library unfortunately unusable for me.


With Vue 3 & Vite I've been using the temporary fix of :

  1. npm install regenerator-runtime
  2. Adding import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime' at the top of main.ts

If you're using webpack/babel (ie Vue 2), you can also import it directly without the extra package:
import '@babel/runtime/regenerator';

Since vite is used to bundle the lib now, there's a good chance it's fixed in 5.0. Can anyone confirm?


Yes this is fixed.