MartinK7 / adafruit-si1145-library-noarduino

Library for the SI1145 sensors in the Adafruit shop. (Without Arduino stuff)

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Adafruit SI1145 Library

This is the Adafruit Arduino library for the Si1145 UV/IR/Visible Light Sensor

Tested and works great with the Adafruit SI1145 Breakout Board

These sensors use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface

Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!


Contributions are welcome!

Original source code

Written by Limor Fried for Adafruit Industries. BSD license, check license.txt for more information All text above must be included in any redistribution


This forked project does not rely on arduino libraries. Just implement these functions, example:

void si1145_delay(uint32_t delay_ms)
	vTaskDelay(delay_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

int8_t si1145_i2c_init(si1145_t *si1145)
	return 0;

void si1145_i2c_write_then_read(si1145_t *si1145, const uint8_t *buffer_tx, int buffer_tx_count, uint8_t *buffer_rx, int buffer_rx_count)
	uint8_t buffer[8];
	if(buffer_tx_count > sizeof(buffer)) {
		return;// -1;
	memcpy(&buffer[0], buffer_tx, buffer_tx_count);

	if(i2c_master_transaction(si1145->dev_i2c, si1145->addr, I2C_DIRECTION_WRITE, buffer, buffer_tx_count)) {
		return;// -1;

	if(i2c_master_transaction(si1145->dev_i2c, si1145->addr, I2C_DIRECTION_READ, buffer_rx, buffer_rx_count)) {
		return;// -1;

	return;// 0;

void si1145_i2c_write(si1145_t *si1145, const uint8_t *buffer_tx, int buffer_tx_count)
	uint8_t buffer[8];
	if(buffer_tx_count > sizeof(buffer)) {
		return;// -1;
	memcpy(&buffer[0], buffer_tx, buffer_tx_count);

	if(i2c_master_transaction(si1145->dev_i2c, si1145->addr, I2C_DIRECTION_WRITE, buffer, buffer_tx_count)) {
		return;// -1;

	return;// 0;


Library for the SI1145 sensors in the Adafruit shop. (Without Arduino stuff)



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