Martin-Jung / LecoS

LecoS QGis Plugin - Contains several analytical functions for land cover analysis

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Processing interface raises an error on Windows machines

domlysz opened this issue · comments


QGIS 2.16.3 on Windows, processing 2.12.99

I'm not able to display any user interface, all tools return one of these 2 errors

\", line 1104, in processAlgorithm
nodata = lcs.f_returnNoDataValue(str(inputFilename)) # Get Nodata-value
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'f_returnNoDataValue'
\", line 162, in processAlgorithm
what = self.w[self.getParameterValue(self.WHAT)]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not NoneType

I have no error on Linux.

I fail to reproduce your problem and think it is related to whatever input data you are using. Please attach a small subset of your data to reproduce the error.

Your first error also tells me that whatever raster data you are using has no properly encoded NoData value -- 'NoneType' (which is necessary to exclude cells with nodata from all metrics).
My windows machine version (QGIS 2.16.3 and processing 2.12.99 ) works without issues.

Thanks for your answer,

I have no particular data to attach because I can't start any tool at all. For now I just double click on a tool name in processing in order to display the GUI, specify my inputs/outputs and start the process but the error message appear before the interface can be displayed (and so before I can choose an input data). It appears even if there is no layers loaded in QGIS.

I found myself the error message ambiguous because it suggest the process was started but its not the case. It's like it run immediately the process before I can setup any parameters.

Hope I'm understandable, sorry for my poor english.

How did you install QGIS on Windows?
The only way how LecoS can work here is by using the OSGEO4W and advanced install.
Again. I sadly can not get to the bottom of this. Allthough I have the same QGIS and processing version on Windows as you, I can use the plugin freely. Ether through the menu: Menu -> raster -> Landscape ecology or via the Processing toolbox.
If I double click on a processing tool it opens just as expected :)

I always use OSGEO4W to handle dependency but you're right it seems it come from my install, I will try to investigate deeply tomorrow.

Finally solved the problem making a new fresh install of QGIS.

Thanks for the help