MartijnBraam / gpsd-py3

Python 3 GPSD client

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pypi version up-to-date?

nickoala opened this issue · comments

Thanks for accepting my PR #10

As far as I can see, the current github version of gpsd-py3 has at least two improvements over the version on pypi (uploaded on 2016-08-05):

  • method get_time() instead of time()
  • handling of no satellites field (the PR recently accepted)

Any chance we can get the new and improved gpsd-py3 on pypi? I think it's worthwhile to make the improvements more conveniently available to users.

Personally, I am teaching a Raspberry Pi course in which students have to interface a Pi with a GPS sensor. The course is based on Python 3. After surveying Github for gps libraries that works on Python 3, I realize there is not many choices. I settled on gpsd-py3 because of its simplicity and easy-to-understand API. I think it is a good educational resource.

So, it would be great if the pypi version can be made up-to-date, if that's not too much trouble. Thank you 😊

I've pushed version 0.3.0 to pypi now, had to figure out how that worked again first.

Thanks for using my library for educational stuff! I've created it because I wasn't happy at all with the API of the current python modules.