MarkoMilos / Paginate

Library for creating simple pagination functionality upon RecyclerView and AbsListView

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How to remove loading item if no data ?

LiuJQ opened this issue · comments

First, thank you for this excellent library !
Well, I have one problem when use it.
How to remove loading row (which is default setup) if no data in the RecyclerView so I can show my EMPTY view fully ?

I had tried to do like blow :
@Override public void noMoreData() { if (mPaginate != null) { mPaginate.setHasMoreDataToLoad(false); } }
but the loading row is always on the top of RecyclerView, =.=
Am I doing something wrong ?

OK, I wrote this code below to remove the loading row when there's no data:

_ (:

You can always unbind Paginate from RecyclerView

Later on you can also use following method to tell the lib that there is no more data to load

         * Called to check if there is more data (more pages) to load. If there is no more pages to load, {@link
         * com.paginate.Paginate.Callbacks#onLoadMore} won't be called and loading row, if used, won't be added.
         * @return true if all pages has been loaded, false otherwise.
        boolean hasLoadedAllItems();

I will close this for now.. feel free to reopen it if you find some other issue or bug regarding this "no data problem"