MarketSquare / robotframework-style-guide

Robot Framework Style Guide

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Test Template TestCases

guidodemmenie opened this issue · comments

How to style out Template TestCases like this:

*** Test Cases ***                  USERNAME            PASSWORD
Invalid User Name                   [Tags]              foo
                                    invalid             ${VALID PASSWORD}
Invalid Password                    [Documentation]     foo
                                    [Tags]              bar
                                    ${VALID USER}       invalid
Invalid User Name and Password      [Tags]              baz
                                    invalid             invalid
Empty User Name
                                    ${EMPTY}            ${VALID PASSWORD}
Empty Password                      ${VALID USER}       ${EMPTY}
                                    [Tags]              spam  eggs
Empty User Name and Password        ${EMPTY}            ${EMPTY}

See Conversation started by @mnojek:

Starting working on this task.