MarketSquare / robotframework-requests

Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for requests

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Verify=False is not propogated to bypass ssl verification

phinds1 opened this issue · comments

Version: 7.0 (Python 3.10.12 on linux)

ref this

in _common_request() function

    resp = method_function(
        self._merge_url(session, uri),  <- session has verify:False but it is not passed to kwargs
        timeout=self._get_timeout(kwargs.pop('timeout', None)),
        cookies=kwargs.pop('cookies', self.cookies),
log.logger.error(kwargs)  <- this is missing Verify: False

kwargs.update({'verify': False})  <-  if I add it it works

My guess this is missing

kwargs.update({'verify': session.verify})   

It's a guess or this solution is confirmed?

Has the Works on my Machine™ star of approval. :) Tested on Ubuntu latest

The "guess" is what was intended: potentially more attributes need to be copied and some other step got missed during a refactoring? Presumably verfiy=False worked at some point?

Anything more needed from me? I submitted a PR


This was also happening to me with

the fix in the PR fixed the issue of ssl verification not being skipped with verify=False