MarketSquare / robotframework-angularjs

An AngularJS and Angular extension to Robotframework's SeleniumLibrary

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Python version support

solomon2530 opened this issue · comments

Apologies if this is not the right forum for this question.

I am using the following:

  • RED editor (v 0.9.5) in Eclipse 2020-12 and Python 3.9.1
  • Robot Framework (v 3.2.2)
  • SeleniumLibrary (v 5.0.0)

I am facing issues with the libraries of AngularJSLibrary showing as (non-accessible) whenever used under the 'Referenced Libraries' section of the red.xml file.

Also, except for a few, every other SeleniumLibrary command used causes a Javascript error as follows: "Cannot read property 'get' of undefined".
As soon as I removed the AngularJSLibrary and the associated referenced libraries, the same commands such as "Click Element" or "Wait for Element" started working fine.

Please refer this StackOverflow answer :

Could this be an issue of Python 3.9.1 not supporting AngularJSLibrary?

I hope someone can answer this because I feel it is a very useful library. I have a huge Angular-based application to test and using Wait commands is a big and messy overhead on the test code. This could solve a lot of issues.

I am not using AngularJSLibrary anymore in my code.

Mostly because I am dealing with multiple pages in my application, some with no root elements defined and as soon as I move from one page to another I get an error that the root element (defined while importing AngularJSLibrary) could not be found. As such I see no way of using it after going through all known issues and documentation.

If anyone has any ideas on how to resolve this, do add a comment.