MariusVinaschi / Auto-Scan

Automate Auxiliary Module in Metasploit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

user and pass

bberidze opened this issue · comments

whats the username and pass? and password is wrong 123456 is also wrong

Hello @MariusVinaschi

Please can you help to fix the below two errors=

  • with the main branch give the below error using any user and pw=
    Screenshot from 2021-09-28 07-02-38

  • with the v2 branch give this another error=
    Screenshot from 2021-09-28 06-58-28


Sorry but I'm not able to fix it during this week.

During the month of October I will clean the project and correct all mistakes.

Thank you for understanding !

Best regards,

hey did you fix it? :)


Same issue here... Your project seems very interesting but without the ability to login looses all interest.
How to create a login / password ? In the documentation, your shall state the login/password.

Thanks a lot for updating this.
