Mariojey / ciphers-data.js

Encryption/decryption data in different ciphers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Go to root directory of your node project and run the following command:

npm i ciphers-data.js

Then in your node_modules folder appear new package



  • Encoding/Decoding with encode() and decode()

         const { Atbash } = require('ciphers-data.js')
         const message = Atbash.encode('ABC')
         const decodeMessage = Atbash.decode('ZYX')
         console.log(message) //ZYX
         console.log(decodeMessage) //ABC


  • It's polyalphabetic substitution cipher, basic on Vigenere cipher

  • Encoding with encoded()

    Both parameters of function will be uppercasing, key will be writing to the array whose length is equal pain text length. Rest elements in this array will be completing by characters of plain text.

        const { Autokey } = require('ciphers-data.js')
        const message = Autokey.encode('ola', 'dogandcat')
        console.log(message) //RZG
  • Decoding with decode()

    Key must be the same as in encoding.

        const { Autokey } = require('ciphers-data.js')
        const message = Autokey.decode('rzg', 'dogandcat')
        console.log(message) //OLA


  • This is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher basically uses 13 pair of letters saved in special matrix

  • Encoding with encode()

        Porta.encode(<plain text>, <key>)


        const {Porta} = require('ciphers-data.js')
        const message = Porta.encode('roses are red', 'GARDEN')
        console.log(message) //BBKSDTBRJSS
  • Decoding with decode()

        Porta.decode(<encoded text>, <key>)


        const {Porta} = require('ciphers-data.js')
        const message = Porta.decode('BBKSDTBRJSS', 'GARDEN')
        console.log(message) //ROSESARERED

Playfair cipher

  • First of all, you must import package in your .js file:

    const { Playfair } = require('ciphers-data.js')
  • Using encode() function.

    You can use it if you want change plain text into encoded playfair sentence. Function needs two arguments

        encode(<plain text>, <key>) {...}

    key is a uppercased by algorithm string which is using to encode setence with written in 5x5 matrix modified alphabet.


       const { Playfair } = require('ciphers-data.js')
       const message = Playfair.encode('roses are red, violets are','blue')
       //                               ^plain text^                 ^key^
       console.log(message) // TMYGTESUSUCWKIUAPTUTUY
  • Using decode() function.

    You can use it whether you want decode text encoded in playfair cipher

    decode(<encoded text>,<key>)

    key must be the same as was in encodeing


        const { Playfair } = require('ciphers-data.js')
        const message = Playfair.decode('TMYGTESUSUCWKIUAPTUTUY', 'blue')
        //                                ^encoded text^           ^key^
        console.log(message) //ROSESAREREDVIOLETSAREX

    As you can see algorith added X on the end of string, because when length of your plain text isn't even it's necessary to encoding.

Caesar cipher

  • It's one of basic ciphers using swaping letters in string, import modules which is obligate to encoding, deconding and findingKey is the same like in Playfair cipher. But in this implementation program is using ASCII char codes from 40 to 126 to encoding and decoding string.

        const { Caesar } = require('ciphers-data.js')
  • Encoding string with encode():

    Key must be integer (not minus)


    const { Caesar } = require('ciphers-data.js')
    const message = Caesar.encode('hello world', 12)
    console.log(message) //tqxx{-{~xp
  • Decoding string with decode()

    Key must be the same as at encoding


    const { Caesar } = require('ciphers-data.js')
    const message = Caesar.decode('tqxx{-{~xp', 12)
    console.log(message) //hello world
  • Finding key with findKey()

    You need plainText, and encoded test

    const { Caesar } = require('ciphers-data.js')
    const key = Caesar.findKey('hello world', 'tqxx{-{~xp')
    console.log(key) // [12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12]

    Function returns keys of all swaping characters in string.


Original destiny of this cipher was non-computer cryptography but as decoding information by pencil and paper could be non fast, there's a function for encode and decode with key. Key must have the same length such as plain text.

  • Encoding with encode()

         const { Solitaire } = require('ciphers-data.js')
         const message = Solitaire.encode('ABCDE',   'FGHIJ')
                                        //^plainText, key^//
         console.log(message) //GIKMO
  • Decoding with decode()

         const { Solitaire } = require('ciphers-data.js')
         const message = Solitaire.decode('GIKMO',   'FGHIJ')
                                        //^plainText, key^//
         console.log(message) //ABCDE

Package is in developing mode.


Encryption/decryption data in different ciphers

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%