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Fairphone 4 - GPX tracks have wrong timestamps

Discostu36 opened this issue · comments

Vespucci Version

19.1 Beta 1

Download source

Google Play

Device (Manufacturer and Model)

Fairphone 4

Android Version



When recording and then exporting a GPX-Track, the track has a wrong date associated to it, for example:


The track was actually recorded on 2023-08-01. When I create a track today, it is timestamped with 2003-12-18.

I can reproduce the problem for tracks that I directly upload to OSM from Vespucci, and also for tracks that I export to the file system.

Expected Behaviour

Add a correct timestamp to the track.

How to recreate

(German locale)

  1. Select location button
  2. Select "GPX track starten"
  3. Walk a few meters
  4. Select "GPX track pausieren"
  5. Go to layers menu
  6. Select three dots of current track
  7. Select "GPX track exportieren…" or "GPX track hochladen..."
  8. Export or upload the track
  9. Open the gpx file in an editor and see the wrong timestamps

Crash dump submitted (no or yes + date)


Any other potentially relevant information

Location settings:

Can't reproduce the behaviour here so something more must be going on.

Could you screenshot the relevant settings and add it to the issue?

Added above

I don't have /e/OS/ but stock Android.

Just checked with other apps. Osmand tracks have the correct timestamp. OSMTracker also have the incorrect timestamp (the same as Vespucci). So this might really be somehow related to my phone.

I'm not sure it would be a good idea to look at what Osmand does differently. I'll contact Fairphone support about this.

Does your phone have google play services? Because osmand might be using googles fused location provider.

Yes, I have. The Fairphone thread suggests the SIM card might be faulty. I'll order a new one.

I now managed to solve the problem (at least temporarily):

  1. I removed the SIM
  2. Got a GPS fix without the SIM, GPSTest app showed me that I have now a correct GNSS date
  3. I put the SIM into the phone again
  4. I got another GPS fix and the date was still correct.
  5. I recorded a track with Vespucci and the timestamp is now correct

The question remaining is if you want to do anything about this issue. You could

  1. Ignore this because it is device and/or SIM problem, not a Vespucci problem
  2. Give users a warning if GNSS time and system time are too different
  3. Write system time instead of GNSS time into the timestamp

Option 3 might lead to other problems we don't know about, but in my opinion, option 2 is something you might want to consider.

option 2 is something you might want to consider.

What should the user do in that case?
It is not wise to report thing with nothing the user can change to fix the situation

I don't think Vespucci should give detailed instructions because it depends on the situation. Something like

The GPS time and the system time of your phone are off by more than x hours. Generated GPX tracks may have a wrong timestamp as a result. Please contact your phone manufacturer or network provider for support.

Has there been any response from Fairphone?

As someone in the forum thread wrote that support told him that the SIM card was to blame, and I could fix the problem for my case, Ididn't contact support.

The consensus seems to be that this is something that Fairphone should fix.