MarcoIeni / release-plz

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Commits with breaking change footers are not reflected in the generated changelog

TobTheRock opened this issue · comments

Bug description

Slightly related to #687, as conventional commits may contain a breaking change footer.
We have a git-cliff.toml which specifically displays breaking changes in the change log.

When running git-cliff directly the changelog is generated as desired, but not when using release-plz update

  • Would you like to work on a fix? [y/n]
    I tracked down the core issue, the problem is that commits are filtered here before they are passed to git-cliff-core . As a result the footers are not evaluated. Removing the filter already fixes the issue. Was there any particular reason to filter the commits here?

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have a commit containing a breaking change footer, e.g.
feat: new awesome stuff

BREAKING CHANGE: breaks everything
  1. have a git-cliff config, which has special handling for breaking changes, e.g.
{% for group, commits in commits | group_by(attribute="group") %}
    ### {{ group | upper_first }}
    {% for commit in commits %}
        - {% if commit.breaking %}[**breaking**] {% endif %}{{ commit.message | upper_first }}\
          {% if commit.breaking %} \n {{ commit.breaking_description }}{% endif %}\
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}\n
  1. Run release-plz update

Expected behavior

Breaking change marked in the change log, e.g.

[0.3.0] - 2023-10-28


- [breaking] new awesome stuff
  breaks everything



  • OS: Arch Linux
  • release-plz version: master

Was there any particular reason to filter the commits here?

We filter the commits so that only the commit title goes into the changelog. But maybe this is not needed? 🤔 Does git-cliff have a different behavior? 🤔

I guess they take the whole commit message, as when I run the git-cliff cli tool I got a different output.
What I got from the git-cliff code it is intended to have the "message including title, description and summary"
Appears that the message is internally splitted into a conv commit here then.
I also played around with release-plz, commenting out the filtering. Works both with my git-cliff config and the default from release-plz as inteded (only the commit title appears in the change log).

Great, than we can remove that filter. Do you want to raise a PR? Than I will test it :)

Sure, here it is: #1104
Thanks 👍

fixed by #1104
Thanks 🙏