MarcinusX / flutter_stripe_demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No redirect

clemoinesegma opened this issue · comments


I've implemented your solution that is really awesome however I'm facing an issue with the return URL, I can see on the stripe checkout page after a payment that the system is blocked to a loading with
'your payment is in progress, when finished you will be redirected automatically' but it's blocked.
I wonder if the localhost URL is not blocking that.
Do you have any idea?


Hmm... no idea - can you show me the screenshot?

this is the screenshot, not mutch info inside, I did some checks and modified the redirect method and changed the HTTP to https and now it correctly redirect not sure the https fixed it...
I'll now take a look at including the session_id (?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID})

I have tried your code but don't redirect to the stripe checkout page the page is open only with stripe checkout template kindly let me know how I fix it