MapIV / eagleye

Precise localization based on GNSS and IMU.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cannot play sample data ROS 1 with ROS2 foxy environment

wafeez opened this issue · comments



I have problem to run the sample data in ROS2 (foxy) environment. The error are as below:

Files: eagleye_sample.bag
Bag size: 3.5 GiB
Storage id: rosbag_v2
Duration: 1673.60s
Start: Jan 27 2020 12:12:52.310 (1580098372.310)
End: Jan 27 2020 12:40:45.370 (1580100045.370)
Messages: 252597
Topic information: Topic: /can_twist | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/TwistStamped | Count: 135508 | Serialization Format: rosbag_v2
Topic: /imu/data_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 83653 | Serialization Format: rosbag_v2
Topic: /fix | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix | Count: 8360 | Serialization Format: rosbag_v2

Please note that for both ROS1(noetic) and ROS2(foxy), the msg missing has been installed.But still cant play the bag. Please help to advice.

It seems that there are no custom messages in the checked message, so how are you playing the rosbag? I think it would be good to convert rosbag in ros1 to ros2 using rosbags.

We have prepared new samples, and they include data from both ros1 and ros2.