MapIV / eagleye

Precise localization based on GNSS and IMU.

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Eagleye is not woring when use_can_less_mode is false

meliketanrikulu opened this issue · comments

I tested with default test data and default parameter. Just I set use_can_less_mode parameter as false. It not give an output in /eagleye/fix topic. Here is the eagleye terminal output. Can I use eagleye without vehicle twist msg. How can I fix this issue


Sorry, the CanLess can only operate with the following data. We will eventually turn this data into a sample rosbag.

Sorry, the CanLess can only operate with the following data. We will eventually turn this data into a sample rosbag.

I cant understand why its depends on test data. What is the difference between this data and sample data in the

sample rosbag is a rosbag with a special navsatfix that says No RTK-FIX when status is -1 and RTK FIX when status is 0. It does not support the current eagleye canless mode.
If you convert the navsatfix to nmea_msgs/Gpgga, you can run it in sample rosbag.

Okey thank you for information. @rsasaki0109 Maybe you can add this on file.