ManuelPeinado / RefreshActionItem-Native

Android - A version of RefreshActionItem that works with the native action bar

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Also need an AAR package in Maven central

zhanghai opened this issue · comments

Hi, recently I discovered this library and it would be very handy if I can integrate this into my android studio project.

From ManuelPeinado/RefreshActionItem#11

It would be great to get an AAR of this in the maven central repo so we can use this
inside Android Studio projects.

Thank you for your great work and I'm really looking forward to a new release : )

I don't like having my library split in two like this so I think I'm gonna merge the two versions into a single one, like I did with my other libraries FadingActionBar, MultiChoiceAdapter and GlassActionBar. Stay tuned!

Thanks~ I'll equip my app with this library immediately after the release : )

Also want to use this lib in android studio project, waiting for the new relases too 👍

Any update for this issue ? I've recently update my project to be Android Studio compatible and i really need your library.