ManuelPeinado / FadingActionBar

Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app

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Bug in fragment example

vekexasia opened this issue · comments

The fragment example works as expected as soon as you don't launch another fragment ( adding the example fragment to the backstack ) and then press back.

As soon as you press back onCreateView complains cause both fab content and header have been already attached to a parent.

I'd propose to add a method which removes all the "cached" objects.


you mean you get this error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.

I'm also getting it and it occurs when it calls the mFadingHelper.createView(LayoutInflater) method.

Could anyone help us to resolve this issue?

Thank you.