ManuelPeinado / FadingActionBar

Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app

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Issue with Custom Actionbar

iamohd-zz opened this issue · comments


When I enter an activity that has fading actionbar and then open other activities, the custom action bar is not showing correctly. I mean it doesn't apply the custom style and it shows it as a regular Holo Light Theme.

This problem happens only if I enter any activity that has fading actionbar first.

Use actionBarBackground(Drawable drawable) instead of actionBarBackground(int drawableResId).
because getDrawable(int id) was deprecated in api level 22.

public void initActionBar(Activity activity) {
if (mActionBarBackgroundDrawable == null) {
mActionBarBackgroundDrawable = activity.getResources().getDrawable(mActionBarBackgroundResId);