ManuelPeinado / FadingActionBar

Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app

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Fixed footer to the bottom of scrollview

ulohani90 opened this issue · comments

Hi , I am using this library in my project . I am using a viewpager in which I am adding fragments which have the fading actionbar effect on scroll.
I have to add a footerview at the bottom of each fragment.I want my scrollview content to scroll from behind my footerview.
What I did was , I made my parent Layout as the frame layout. then added a scrollview first then my footer view .
Looking at the library I found that it treats the whole container as the scrollview content.
I'm stuck . Please help

I am also facing same problem.

You use setContentView() for inflating xml(RelativeLayout include framelayout, footerFrame).
and helper.createView() add in frameLayout.

Hi, thanks to claudepark for the tips, I have managed to do it.

  1. Create an XML(RelativeLayout parent), with FrameLayout on top, and another fixed LinearLayout / RelativeLayout as footer that aligns to parent bottom.

  2. In your activity, create FadingActionBarHelper with correct settings.

  3. Instantiate your FrameLayout by using findViewById().

  4. Then by using the FrameLayout instantiated with the function addView(), add in the helper.createView(this);

** helper.createView returns a View, and hence, you can easily programatically add it into any layout.