Mantle / Mantle

Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Value did not match expected type, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Expected 144.960302320699 to be of class NSValue but got __NSCFString}

Nagarjun123 opened this issue · comments


I have a model as below:

Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 12 58 09 pm

While parsing JSON I am getting:

Error Domain=MTLTransformerErrorHandlingErrorDomain Code=1 "Value did not match expected type" UserInfo={MTLTransformerErrorHandlingInputValueErrorKey=144.960302320699, NSLocalizedDescription=Value did not match expected type, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Expected 144.960302320699 to be of class NSValue but got __NSCFString}

Earlier I was using Mantle version 1.5 it was working fine. But recently I have updated POD and getting this error:

Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 12 55 25 pm

My question is why is Mantle changed type difference in both versions. How to solve this issue and is there any JSONTransfomer need to write for CLLocationDegrees?

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