Manojbhat09 / Tracking_submit

Argoverse Tracking challenge submission (Vanialla PointRCNN only)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Argoverse Tracking Challenge submission

Detection module:(Vanilla PointRCNN only available here)

PointRCNN with Centerness loss (FCOS:Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection on 3D) for robust 3D object detection. (mAP 95.12% on KITTI-Easy vs 85.95%)[To be released]
Along with Argoverse dataloader.
Trained seperate for Pedestrain and Vehicle classes.

Tracker module:

Vanilla AB3DMOT modified for PointRCNN output.
Used mahalanobis distance and feature.
Note: The repo incudes Tracker with MLP refinement in (Needs to be complete) Pipline is Detection -> Tracker -> MLP-refine -> IDs, Locations, Size

Without Groundtuth (Colored Trackers) & With Groundtuth (white + Colored Trackers):


  • PointRCNN with Centerness loss + Non-NMS regression
  • PointRCNN with Autoregressive Transformer regression
  • PointRCNN with PointCNN w. knn-graph Backbone (Performs better in RPN, more backbones can be tried)
  • PointRCNN with MeteorNet Tracker
  • Tracker with MLP
  • Tracker with LSTM
  • Tracker with PointNet local features (Points inside BBOX)
  • Fusion with stereo-images(360) and then using Frustum pointnet with 2D+3D ground-truth (mAP 96.48% on KITTI-Easy)
  • Fusion with range-image and PointGNN


Argoverse Tracking challenge submission (Vanialla PointRCNN only)


Language:Python 85.6%Language:Cuda 9.1%Language:C++ 5.3%Language:Shell 0.1%