Manojbhat09 / CMU-DATF

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Diverse and Admissible Trajectory Forecasting through Multimodal Context Understanding

This code is PyTorch implementation of our work, Diverse and Admissible Trajectory Forecasting through Multimodal Context Understanding (Seong Hyeon Park, Gyubok Lee, Manoj Bhat, Jimin Seo, Minseok Kang, Jonathan Francis, Ashwin R. Jadhav, Paul Pu Liang and Louis-Philippe Morency).

Model Diagram

Trajectory forecasting task was implemented using normalizing-flow, and achieving diverse while admissible trajectorys for vehicles.


You will have to download dataset into data/[corresponding dataset], then verify the subdirectory of each dataset. Dataset should have structure same as:


Dataset will be extracted as cache at the initial execution. When not specified, cache file will be used for preceeding experiments.


See details on

To train proposed method;

python develop && CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python --config=config_atgs_cam_nf


Testing will be used by assigning checkpoint to argument --test_ckpt; Make sure to change the TRAIN flag on the config file to false

python develop && CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python --config=config_atgs_cam_nf --test_ckpt="xyz.tar"

Things to do

  • Select appropriate License; currently we used GPLv3.
  • MATF_GAN had runtime error which has fixed. For coherence, this will be updated after recieving it.
  • Check the requirements


Please cite the original publication;

  title={Diverse and Admissible Trajectory Forecasting through Multimodal Context Understanding},
  author={Park, Seong Hyeon and Lee, Gyubok and Bhat, Manoj and Seo, Jimin and Kang, Minseok and Francis, Jonathan and Jadhav, Ashwin R and Liang, Paul Pu and Morency, Louis-Philippe},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.03212},


This code is published under the General Public License version 3.0.


License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Python 100.0%