MangoAutomation / modbus4j

A high-performance and ease-of-use implementation of the Modbus protocol written in Java. Supports ASCII, RTU, TCP, and UDP transports as slave or master, automatic request partitioning and response data type parsing.

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How to modify the default timeout when using the Modbus RTU Master?

duzean opened this issue · comments


I have a remote equipement to be communicated with the Modbus RTU protocol. I use the Netty framework deal with the TCP/IP layer, writting a wrapper of SerialPort by the Netty, I did it. But when I test my case, I found modbus4j sometimes send a request twice, I checked the source code, found the timeout is set to 500 default.Sometimes 500ms is too short for the TCP/IP communication. So I set the RtuMaster timeout to 3000ms, unfortunately, it does't work. I found the timeout parameter is useless for the Modbus RTU Master, the valid one in the MessageControl class. So how to change the default timeout value in the MessageControl? I can‘t’ find a way achieve it.

I haven't tested what you are saying, but from looking at the code you need to set the timeout on the RtuMaster class before you call RtuMaster.init(). ModbusMaster.timeout is used when during RtuMaster.init() when it calls getMessageControl() to setup the message control. Setting it after that will have no effect as the MessageControl connection is already created.


Thanks for your reply. You are right. I put the setting of timeout after init. Thank you very much!