ManeeshChiba / css-parallax

A sub 100Kb parallax library

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Super Simple Parallax

Version 1.0

A super simple parallax is a sub 100kb plugin to add parallax movement on scroll to your website.

See Demo

Get Started


You need to download required files from Github


You need the files from the dist directory. Place ssparallax.min.css in your projects css directory and ssparallax.min.js in the js directory.

Next you will need to link the css file in the head of your document like so:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/the/file/ssparallax.min.css">

Add the javascript to the document before your bodys closing tags like so:

<script src="path/to/the/file/ssparallax.min.js"></script>


In order to use Super Simple Parallax you need to do two things. First, initalize the script by envoking it on the load event of your document.

window.onload = function(){
    var superSimpleParallax = new ssparallax;

Then you can simply include a data atrribute onto the elements you would like to have the effect:

<div class="your-class-here" data-ssparallax="1"></div>

The number value controls the parallax effect. Numbers 1 to 100 are catered for.

SASS & Modification

Should you wish to use this as part of your SCSS project, the src directory contains the scss file which controls the effect.

If you would like to modify the javascript, you can find it in the js folder.
