Mandarancio / OpenGOO

A free clone of World Of Goo


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After selecting "restart" from main menu, game slows down

etam opened this issue · comments

I don't know if it's a problem with optimization, or just unintended recalculation of some speed parameter, but it happens.

Yes I know! I'm look for the cause, but for now I don't find nothing!
You want to be assigned to this issue??

I can.

Perfect! Thanks!

Is issue still there?

On my pc the issue seems vanished, but goos sound effects aren't played.

Trying different times it seems is my sound card problem, cause sometimes they work, other times they don't work.

When drag GOO no sound?

Yes, exactly dragging the goos after restart, but not always! It happened also with the first run.

music also stops working?

No, music works correctly.

I think that issue #22 can close, the problem with sound effects is a new bug