MamoruDS / obsidian-open-link-with

Open external link with specific brower in Obsidian

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External chrome opened is "isolated"

VincentFericelli opened this issue · comments

When I try to open in the chrome of my OS (ubuntu) the window seems to be part of obsidian whereas it's not the case with firefox. It cannot be attached to other chrome tabs and my bookmarks and extensions aren't available.

I tried :

  • Selecting chrome in the combo box
  • Making a custom browser with
    • google-chrome
    • /usr/bin/google-chrome
    • xdg-open
    • a script that forward arguments to /usr/bin/google-chrome

Hmm, that's strange. I'm unable to replicate the issue on my Ubuntu setup. Are you using modifier binding with your opening method? One possibility is that Obsidian is opening links in its own pop-out window. Would you be able to provide a screenshot?

It seems that obsidian keeps opening in his own popup indeed : the window manager groups the two windows together whatever trick I tried :


Can’t figure out why gnome groups your Chrome window with Obsidian, and it makes no sense that this disables your Chrome’s bookmarks and extensions. That is very weird. Have you tried disabling the plugin and setting Chrome as your default browser?

The bookmarks and extensions are not present in the window opened by obsidian, if I open chrome by myself it's ok. It's just one of the elements that make me think that obsidian keep using it's chrome popup instead of the "real" chrome.

Chrome is indeed my default browser, that's why I tried to use xdg-open to invoke it indirectly.

Perhaps you could try using the pstree to check if there is a Chrome process spawned by Obsidian. If there is one, examining its start command may provide some helpful info.


I have the same problem. I checked pstree and there is no Chrome process spawned by Obsidian, and the startup command doesn't seem to matter (Ubuntu desktop shortcut vs launch Obsidian from a terminal). Obsidian always spawns a new Chrome process instead of opening the link in the currently running instance.

I believe this is an Obsidian bug and have commented here:

I am also experiencing the same issue and confirm everything that @acc3d mentioned. Kindly providing another data point here for this issue. As of now, doesn't appear to be any updates to the ticket @acc3d mentioned above on the obsidian page.

ubuntu 22 here, trying to open chrome, same issue.

I have the snap package, maybe there is a correlation, message below seems to be using the deb

In Ubuntu 22, the way how I fixed it in general for any custom browser (msedge/chrome) was to open obsidian using /usr/bin/obsidian instead of /opt/Obsidian/obsidian. This can be tested very quickly through the terminal and then I created/updated the .desktop file to add as favorite to the side bar. :)

workaround (tested on my ubuntu 20 but should also work for other).
I was experiencing the bug on the snap package.
I removed the snap package, installed the deb from their website, and the bug is not present 😃
It's a bit annoying, since they don't have a PPA I'll now have to manually update obsidian

Actually it seems with the deb package, this plugin "open link with" is not needed

obsidian default browser issue is only present with the snap package,
here is a workarount to continue using snap package