Malinskiy / android-material-icons

Easy to use material icons for Android

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TTF font does not get copied properly

adrien-f opened this issue · comments


I'm using a standard blank application with IntelliJ/Android Studio and when building and launching an activity with an icon it crashes:

03-11 11:50:27.390    2713-2713/ E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process:, PID: 2713
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Font not found /data/data/
            at com.malinskiy.materialicons.Iconify.getTypeface(
            at com.malinskiy.materialicons.IconDrawable.<init>(

Looking in adb the file mentioned, looks like the file was created but not properly copied:

root@generic_x86_64:/data/data/ #
ls -la
-rw-rw-rw- u0_a53   u0_a53          0 2015-03-11 11:49 material-design-iconic-font-1.0.1.ttf

I solved this by manually adb push the file and the app did not crash anymore but that doesn't really solve it.

Let me know if you need more details !


Hello @adrien-f!

Thanks for filing a bug.

I used the project many times and didn't face this issue. Let's try to debug it. Do you have this on a specific device or on all of your devices?

I can only see a case where the process is killed during copying of ttf in function. Could you please run a debugger on this function and check what's happening there on the first run?


Thanks you for your response. I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce this issue again with a new project (API 21) and a fresh emulator. Welp.

Thanks you for your time, I'll be sure to check in if it happens again in the future.