Makuna / DFMiniMp3

Arduino library for the DFPlayer Mini Mp3 module. Please refer to the Wiki for more details. Please use the GitHub Discussions ask questions as the GitHub Issues feature is used for bug tracking.

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Releases not in sync, when is next tag?

AlmightyFrog opened this issue · comments

I'd like to use the changes done in d603f8e for a project which is intended to be built with either arduino ide or platformio.
Not sure about, but is arduino ide latest version (0.7 as per releases/tags) not containing it yet but defined 1.1.0 as per having it?
In platformio it is as per also 1.1.0 but two years old?

TLDR: Would you kindly make a new tagged version and maybe do them to both arduino library and platformio library compatible at once?


v1.1.0 release was just submitted. It may take up to 24 hours before it shows up in the Arduino library manager.
I am unsure how platformio grabs libraries, if it has 1.1.0 already, it incorrectly grabbed it as it was never released. Further, I don't even have a platformio specific version file (library.json) in this project. I will create an issue to track that.