MakieOrg / Tyler.jl

Makie package to plot maptiles from various map providers

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Tyler + GridLayout throws error

alex-s-gardner opened this issue · comments

f = Figure(resolution=(1912 * scale, 2284 * scale))
ga = f[1:2, 1] = GridLayout()
m = Tyler.Map(extent; provider, figure = f, axis = ga);

throws this error:

ERROR: type GridLayout has no field autolimitaspect
 [1] setproperty!
   @ ~/.julia/packages/GridLayoutBase/lYdxT/src/gridlayout.jl:55 [inlined]
 [2] Tyler.Map(extent::Extent{(:X, :Y), Tuple{Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}}, extent_crs::MapTiles.WGS84; resolution::Tuple{Int64, Int64}, figure::Figure, axis::GridLayout, provider::Provider, crs::MapTiles.WebMercator, max_parallel_downloads::Int64, cache_size_gb::Int64, depth::Int64, halo::Float64, scale::Float64)
   @ Tyler ~/.julia/packages/Tyler/mD1F5/src/Tyler.jl:126
 [3] top-level scope
   @ ~/Documents/GitHub/AltimPlots.jl/src/plot_data.jl:61

You need to pass an axis, and not a gridlayout slot!


I think you may be able to pass the ga to figure though, at least if you do fig[1:2, 1]

🤦 ..... well that should have been obvious..

just to close out:

This works

f = Figure(resolution=(1912 * scale, 2284 * scale))
ax = Axis(f[1:2, 1])
m = Tyler.Map(extent; provider, figure = f, axis = ax);

while this does not work

f = Figure(resolution=(1912 * scale, 2284 * scale))
m = Tyler.Map(extent; provider, figure = f[1:2, 1]);

@alex-s-gardner I think that autolimitaspect getproperty is actually your code too 😂

So @rafaqz that error was only kicked cuz I was trying to ignoratly pass a gridlayout as an axis 🤦.

m = Tyler.Map(extent; provider, figure = f[1:2, 1]);

returns a different error related to the "title" keyword

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching display(::GridPosition; title::String)

Closest candidates are:
  display(::Any) got unsupported keyword argument "title"
   @ Base multimedia.jl:336
  display(::Union{Figure, Makie.FigureAxisPlot, Scene}; backend, update, screen_config...)
   @ Makie ~/.julia/packages/Makie/Iqcri/src/display.jl:110
  display(::GLMakie.Screen, ::Scene; connect) got unsupported keyword argument "title"
   @ GLMakie ~/.julia/packages/GLMakie/XSSSf/src/display.jl:1

I know I just thought that doing that hits the line where you set ax.autolimitaspect = 1 but maybe thats not true either

It did indeed !