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Order agnostic binary search in java

dofywofy opened this issue · comments

Information about Algorithm

Order agnostic binary search is an algorithm where we do not know whether the given sorted array is ascending or descending order. We declare a Boolean variable to find whether the array is ascending order. In the while loop, we use the two pointer method (start and end) to get the middle element., if the middle element is equal to our target element, then that is the answer. If not, then we check if the array is ascending or descending order.
Depending upon the condition, respective statements will be executed and we will get our answer.

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Other context

This is used in GeeksForGeeks, Leetcode, HackerRank, etc... platforms.

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May I work on this issue?

I've worked on it already, just waiting for the review.

Hello. I have solved for the order agnostic binary search. Checkout my code.

why the code isnt merged yet?